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Monster Concert
November 12, 2023

Monster Concert

Sunday, November 12, 2022

Deadline to register:  Sunday, October 8, 2023, 11:59 pm
Mandatory Rehearsal:  Saturday, November 11, 2022, 1:00-6:00 pm (individual times to be assigned after registration is complete)
Concert: Sunday, November 12, 2023, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm (concert time to be assigned after registration is complete)
Location:  Lacefield Music, 112 Chesterfield Valley Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63005

The Monster Piano Concert is a unique performing experience for piano students and their friends and family. The event features multiple performers on multiple pianos simultaneously playing ensemble repertoire with a conductor.  



SLAMTA piano teachers, their students and their families are welcome to participate.  



  • $22 for each performer 

  • $22 for each teacher 

  • Parents may play for no additional fee


  • Teachers will submit one payment for all of their performers.  Pay your registration fees by PayPal Be sure to answer the question, "What's this for?" with"2023 Monster Concert Registration fees."  Registration fee is due on October 8, 2023 by 11:59 pm.


  • If paying by check, mail it to Bethany Nikstad, SLAMTA Treasurer, at 3301 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118, and note "2023 Monster Concert" in the memo of the check.  Please notify Monster Concert Chair that you are paying your registration fees by check.



Each participating teacher is to submit Teacher Registration Form and a Performer Registration Form for each of their performers (including students, parents and other teachers in their studio).

Performers will need to choose music from the Repertoire List, most of which can be purchased online or in person at Midwest Sheet Music.




1. We encourage younger performers to be paired with an adult or advanced performer. Parents and teachers are welcome and encouraged to perform with their students at any of the levels, but especially the Elementary/Late Elementary pieces.

2. Be able to perform at the designated/published tempo marks.  We will confirm the tempo markings after registration.

3. Implement the printed expression marks

4. Follow a conductor while playing

5. Make necessary changes based on the conductor’s instructions.


It is the teacher's responsibility to see that their performers are fully prepared.


Concert is free to the public


As this is not an adjudicated event, music selections are intended to be accessible and entertaining to encourage more participation. Performers may select one or all of the pieces listed on the repertoire list.  In some cases, students may find themselves able or wanting to play in all three divisions. Performers, though, must be able to play at suggested performance tempo.


Every year we have a t-shirt designed to commemorate the Monster Concert.  Students are welcome to enter the contest and submit a picture of their artwork to slamta.monsterconcertchair@gmail.comEntries are due by Sunday, October 8, 2023, 11:59 pm and will be judged by members of SLAMTA.  The winner will be announced by October 11, 2023.

Chair: Sharla Anderson

The winner of the October 2022
Monster Concert T-Shirt Design:

Ryan Lin, age 8

Student of Oksana Shpringman
The runner up of the October 2022
Monster Concert T-Shirt Design is: 

Matthew Zhang, age 10
Student of Grace Yin









"Don't Stop Believin'" - 2 Pianos, 8 Hands       "Clap Your Hands" - 1 Piano, 4 Hands










     "out...standing" - 1 Piano, 6 Hands                             Group photo of all performers

























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